Saturday 15 January 2011

Rough Cut And Feedback

We created a rough cut of our trailer so that we could show friends and family and they could give us feedback on what we could do to improve the trailer, we feel that this will help us as it is thoughts from the audiences who will be watching our trailer.

See group blog:

After showing the trailer to our class, friends and family, this is the feedback we received:

  • The trailer needs music to make it more attention grabbing and conventional - Class
  • There needs to be heel clicking sounds to emphasise the main character walking to connote her power - Class
  • Includes many conventions of a soap opera trailer and it is clear that the storyline is a new character - Class
  • Some transitions are too much and it would be more effective to use simple transitions to make the trailer flow better - Class
  • There needs to be some narration or some titles that explain what time and channel the soap opera episode will be broadcasted as well as a name of the soap - Family Member
  • Very funny but it doesn't say when the trailer is on - Family Member
After receiving this feedback we will discuss as a group how we can alter our trailer to suit our target audiences needs.

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